Full Name  :  Muttaqin Suling, S.Kom. M.H

Date & Place Of Brith : Luwuk, Januari 26, 1976

Sex : Male

Marital Status : Married

Contact Address  :   Jl. P. Karimun Jaya, Kel. Kompo, Kec. Luwuk Selatan Kab. Banggai – Sulawesi Tengah   Mobile  Phone     :   +62 85242222026 +62 85351480126    

E-mail :


  1. 1989, SD Negeri 1 Kintom (Elementary School)
  2. 1992, SMP Negeri 1 Kintom (Junior High School)
  3. 1995, SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk (Senior High School)
  4. 2010, Strata Satu (S1) Information Telecommunication, UMI Makassar (University)
  5. 2016, Strata Dua (S2)  Law Faculty, UIT Makassar (University).


  1. Hard worker and able to work under pressure also.
  2. Able to leading group of people, have excellent communications skill and organizational skills.
  3. Able to do documentation and analysis.
  1. Problem analysis and assessment
  2. Judgment and problem solving
  3. Decision making
  4. Work and time management
  5. Attention to detail and high level of accuracy
  6. Delegation of authority and responsibility
  7. Information gathering and monitoring
  8. Initiative, Integrity, Stress tolerance, Adaptability, Teamwork and Collaboration.


  1. Basic Training (LK I) HMI Cabang Luwuk, held at Gedung Nasional Luwuk, 2003
  2. Intermediate Training (LK II) HMI, National level held at Taman Budaya Palu, February 1st to 8th, 2005.
  3. Advance Training (LK III) HMI, National level held at Gedung Graha Insan Cita Depok, May 6st to 11th, 2008.
  4. Juara Harapan III Lomba Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, PERTAMINA YOUTH PROGRAM – 2009, held in Manado, October 18th to 21st, 2009.
  5. Participant on PERTAMINA YOUTH PROGRAM – 2009, CERDAS BERSAMA PERTAMINA – MIGAS UNTUK ANAK BANGSA, held in Manado, 18th to 21st October 2009. 
  6. Participant on Seminar Regional KOMISI YUDISIAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA, held in Luwuk – Banggai, September 21st, 2012.
  7. Participant on Seminar Nasional, Kebijakan Politik Lokal Dalam Menghadapi Era Migas                Di Daerah Kabupaten Banggai, held at Universitas Tompotika, 2008.
  8. Participant on Seminar Sehari Prospek Investasi Migas Kabupaten Banggai, held at Gedung Wanita, October 28th, 2002.
  9. As a Keynote Speaker on Dialog Kebangsaan – Desain Ideologi Negara Menjadikan Indonesia Negara Yang Unggul Di Kawasan Asia, held at Universitas Tompotika Luwuk, January 17th, 2008.
  10. Participant on Seminar HIV / AIDS, KNPI Kab. Banggai, held at Gedung Pemuda/KNPI Kab. Banggai, December 20th, 2012.
  11. Participant on Public Discussion – Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2011, held at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB) Luwuk, December 31st, 2011.
  12. As a speaker on Seminar Pendidikan – UAN, Solusi atau Masalah ?, held at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB) Luwuk, April 5th, 2008.
  13. As a speaker on Intermediate Training – National Level HMI Cabang Luwuk, held at Gedung DIKLAT Kab. Banggai, February 28th to March 6th, 2013.


  1. Public Relation of Forum Lingkar Pena (FLP) Sulawesi Tengah, 2005
  2. Chairman of HMI Cabang Luwuk, Commissariat AMIK NURMAL, Luwuk Banggai, 2004 – 2005
  3. Chairman of Regional Development Participation (PPD) HMI Cabang Luwuk, 2005 – 2006.
  4. Chairman of Foundation “Gema Insan Cita (GITA)” Banggai.
  5. Vice Chairman of Forum Dinamika Generasi Muda Karathon (FORDIM – GMK), 2012 – 2017.
  6. Secretary of Majelis Daerah Korps Alumni Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (MD KAHMI) Luwuk, Kab. Banggai, 2012 – 2017.
  7. Vice chairman of Social dan Politik DPK KNPI Kab. Banggai, 2012 – 2015.
  8. Secretary of Pemuda Panca Marga (PPM) Kab. Banggai, 2012 – 2015.
  9. Chairman of Ikatan Putra Putri Indonesia (IPPI) Kab. Banggai, 2012 – 2015.
  10. Chairman of GARDA Sulawesi Timur.


Office software :      MS – Office (World – Excel – Power Point).

                                        Photoshop, MS – Acces.



English (writing and speaking)            :               Passive

Saluan (Local language)                         :               Speaking


  1. CITRA INSULINDO ABADI, as Ass. Topography on a 2D Survey Seismic JOB Pertamina Exspan Tomori Senoro Block in Toili Sulawesi Tengah from March 14, 2003 – June 23, 2003.
  2. Instructor at Lembaga Pendidikan dan Keterampilan Nurmal Komputer Luwuk,Instructor at Lembaga Pendidikan dan Keterampilan Nurmal Komputer Luwuk, 2003.
  3. As a teacher at Primagama Luwuk Banggai, 2010.
  4. Lecturer at Universitas Tompotika Luwuk, 2011 until now.
  5. Lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk, 2011 until now.
  6. Board of Trustees at Lembaga Pendidikan dan Kursus (LPK) SMART Luwuk Kab. Banggai, 2013 until now.
  7. Chairman Of The Cita Insan Echo Foundation Banggai, 2006 Until Now.
  8. Head Of The Secretariat at The Luwuk Tompotika education Foundation. 2019 Until Now.

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